Our logo and the text "Ruth's Waterfalls" are trademarks of Ruth's Waterfalls of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY, and may not be used in any form, electronic or otherwise. Our logo and the text "Ruth's Waterfalls" are trademarks of Ruth's Waterfalls of the Finger Lakes and Rochester, NY, and may not be used in any form, electronic or otherwise. Ruth's Waterfalls
of the Finger Lakes, Rochester, and Ithaca, NY.

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This is about "gullywhumping"—climbing up waterfalls, sloshing through streams and dipping in natural pools. We gullywhump in the beautiful, seldom-seen gullies found sprinkled throughout the ten-county region around Rochester and Ithaca, known as the Finger Lakes of New York.

Our waterfall website has led us to Ruth's Waterfall in Lansing, NY, where we have lived for the past twelve years. We invite you to visit us over the internet or in person.

Featured articles

This website is to share our experiences and love of falling water with other waterfall hiking enthusiasts. We've included a directory of waterfalls with descriptions and pictures, tips, and maps. Also our observations about the "waterfall illusion," the "grin syndrome," and some miscellaneous stuff. And we have an absolutely free How High? tool you can use to calculate the height of your own waterfalls.

We've included a few other waterfalls we've visited in Massachusetts, Colorado, Utah, California, Oregon, Hawaii, Scotland, and Wales. We also have a few links and important warnings about visiting waterfalls. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and hope that you will share your waterfall experiences by sending us feedback.

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Cayuga Trails Club
Cayuga Trails Club
Finger Lakes Trail
Finger Lakes Trail

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