Well, this is a waterfalls website, and yes indeed,
there are waterfalls in Central Park. We found
three of them after asking several dozen people
if there were any waterfalls in Central Park and
getting nowhere. Finally, a Central Park Conservancy
volunteer directed
to "The Ravine" and we did find the three
waterfalls shown here. A subsequent web search
revealed opinions
ranging from three to five as the number of waterfalls
in Central Park...
But waterfalls were not what brought us to New
York City on a fridgid day in February, 2005; it
was "THE GATES," Christo
and Jeanne-Claude's gift
to New York and the world.
We spent two wonderful days walking among "saffron
waterfalls" and joyous people from all over the
planet. It is an experience we will never forget.