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Location Niagara Falls, New York
Access State Park on US side, National Park on Canadian side. Even though the parks on both sides have excellent facilities and offer free access, you are not allowed to see the real Niagara Falls since 50% to 75% of the water is diverted to the two major power plants downstream. To find out more about this please visit Help Improve Niagara Falls
Hiking There are plenty of opportunities for hiking and biking on both American and Canadian side as well as plenty of opportunities to use the various forms of conveyance on land, water, and in the air. Hiking and biking are free; pretty much everything else is not. 
Details No visit to Niagara Falls is complete unless you see the Falls from both the American and Canadian side and the Lower Rapids and Whirlpool from either side.

Here is our plan for a complete visit to Niagara Falls which takes one day by bicycle. Alternatively, you can walk the Falls part and then drive to the Rapids and Whirlpool. 

Park at the free parking lot on Goat Island. Ride and walk along the southern shore of goat island to Terrapin Point. Then to Luna Island to see Bridal Veil Falls. You'll have to carry your bike down some steps to get to Luna Island. Then return to Goat Island and follow the trail to the Bridge to the mainland and ride along the shore to the American Falls Overlook. You will need to walk your bike at the crowded viewing areas. 

When finished on the American side, ride your bike across Rainbow Bridge. The traffic will be stopped or moving very slowly so there is little danger in this. You can go right to the front of the line and pass through immigration on your bike. The last time we did this, the toll for pedestrians and bicycles was ten cents. (Remember to bring suitable documentation to prove your citizenship.) On the Canadian side, follow the road upstream beyond the Horseshoe Falls. Then walk your bike downstream along the promenade to observe the falls. When you are finished with the falls, you can follow a bike path along the Canadian side to the Lewiston-Queenston bridge (6 miles) and return along the American side to your car (about 8 miles). You'll have great views of the Gorge, Whirlpool, and power plants from the frequent overlooks.